Have Your Wishes Come True This Holiday

Holiday Wishlist BDSM Toy Shop

Oh that day when you see all the presents under the Christmas tree is fast approaching. All the possibilities of what might be hidden within all those beautifully wrapped packages as they sit patiently to be opened can be such a tease to a creatively kinky mind.

Of course, W/we all want to give O/our loved ones the items they truly wished for. And there is nothing like seeing the look of disappointment upon a loved ones face as they desperately try to look excited about something they never wanted. Just heartbreaking!

There is one very easy fix to ensure that you give your partner exactly what they have been longing for. Have them create you a wishlist and you can create one for them. When the day comes both of you can rip apart the wrapping paper to reveal that gorgeous new toy that is going to keep giving for the rest of the year. Now you can avoid that awkward smile as your partner tries to pretend they are happy and you can replace it with a moment of genuine excitement. Not to mention all the nights after that will continue to add to that excitement.

So stop filling up your storage with presents you feel guilty about throwing out. Stop hoping they might figure out what it is you want and quite stressing about figuring out what their hints mean. With just a few clicks of a button you can know everything your partner truly desires and they can know what you want too. Be naughty by having fun asking for what you want this year and even more fun once you get it. Simply create your wishlist at the BDSM Toy Shop before its too late.

The BDSM Toy Shop

Otherwise, the only spankings you’re going to get after Christmas are the ones you give yourself when you get socks again.

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